The History of Bump Stopper
More than 50 years ago in September of 1972, H.R. Phillips, President and CEO of High Time Products, introduced the very first razor bump relief product to the open market.
Prior to this revolutionary discovery, it was believed that the only solutions to resolving the razor bump problem, caused primarily by shaving with any kind of razor, was to either stop shaving altogether or use a depilatory method of shaving. These depilatories often proved to be too harsh or totally intolerable for most men.
With his pharmacy training from the University of Illinois and with additional degrees in chemistry from Roosevelt University (Chicago, IL) and San Diego State University, while working as a nuclear research and developmental chemist for Argonne National Laboratories (Chicago, IL) and General Atomics Corporation (San Diego,CA), Mr. Phillips diligently worked on resolving this problem, a problem that had plagued him since he had started shaving.
After years of research and an unwillingness to accept failure, the first razor bump treatment was formulated – known, at that time, as High Time Ingrown Hair and Razor Bump Treatment. The name of the product was later changed at the insistence of its faithful users because practically everybody that used it simply referred to it as “the Bump Stopper”!